Silver Bells

Will a surprise on Wolf Creek Square derail Art and Marianna’s wedding plans?

Marianna Spencer and Art Carlson have managed to keep their engagement a secret for two years. That’s quite an accomplishment in the tight-knit community of shopkeepers and family and friends on Wolf Creek Square, a place where private lives are too often in public view.

Marianna wants their wedding to be a simple, joyful post-Christmas celebration—no bridal extravaganzas for her. Still, a fabric with silver bells printed on a dark blue background catches her eye and her simple wedding theme is born and her ideas flow faster than she can record them.

It isn’t long before Marianna is bewildered by the roadblocks she encounters planning even such a simple wedding. And Art surprises her by suddenly being too busy to even design and mail invitations out. That isn’t like him. Is he having second thoughts? He insists that’s ridiculous and Marianna keeps trying to make their day special. But when the wedding is mere days away, and the fabric she loves is suddenly unavailable, she can’t even have the wedding dress of her dreams.
Turns out her small, but joyful wedding won’t be anything like what she wanted… Or will it?


Town Hall

How can Sarah and Cameron be so alike, and yet, so different?

Sarah Hutchinson is at a crossroads in her life. She had a vision to revitalize the historic buildings on Wolf Creek Square, and she’s brought it to completion. What now? Managing the Square day-to-day isn’t the challenge it used to be, but maybe her dream of becoming one of the shopkeepers in the last unoccupied storefront could turn into a new goal.

Cameron Hutch, owner of Hutch Hotels, comes to town to build an addition on the Inn-on-the-Square, bringing another of Sarah’s visions to fruition. She never expected to be so attracted to Cameron, who isn’t shy about his attraction to her. It’s exciting, but unsettling, too.

Sarah’s roots run deep in Wolf Creek, but Cameron is used to traveling from one town or city to another building hotels. Can these two find their way to a future together?



Will helping a friend bring Millie Ferguson love, along with a new life on Wolf Creek Square?

Still mourning the death of her husband and son, Millie Ferguson says yes to Richard Connor’s request that she temporarily manage the bookstore on Wolf Creek Square. Richard, an old friend, asks for the favor because his daughter-in-law is struggling to run the book and toy shop through her high-risk pregnancy, but it has become obvious she can’t keep up the pace.

Grabbing the chance for welcome change, Millie agrees to leave her Minnesota home and head to the Square. The once prosperous bookshop has fallen into disarray, but Millie loves a challenge. Within weeks, she’s presented with an opportunity to buy the shop and put her mark on the community of popular shops. Millie’s granddaughter, Skylar, has a few dreams of her own, including a desire to own her own toy store in one of the few available buildings on the Square.

As much as Millie enjoys establishing BookMarks, she’s not sure she fits in among the tight-knit group owners, and she also questions some of Richard’s assumptions about their relationship. But as the seasons turn on the Square, change is always in the air and sometimes new feelings bloom and grow. Maybe even for Richard and Millie…


Rainbow Gardens

When Clayton Sommers comes to town, will Megan Reynolds’ desire to leave Wolf Creek waver?

Megan Reynolds has spent years establishing her flower shop, Rainbow Gardens, as a vital part of Wolf Creek Square. But now she’s restless. After secretly entering national floral-design contests, Megan has—at last—been chosen as a finalist. If she wins, she’ll be on the road several months in the coming year. But that also means closing Rainbow Gardens. With her dream of leaving Wolf Creek within her reach, Megan now wavers. What does she really want?

Clayton Sommers is in town to interview Megan for the contest, but he’s also a man on the run. His stepfather’s financial fraud conviction has destroyed Clayton’s life as a rising artist in New York and has him dodging the tabloids. He’s searching for a new life…and Wolf Creek has what no other town offers…Megan Reynolds.

Seeing Wolf Creek Square through Clayton’s eyes leads Megan to consider withdrawing from the contest and staying in a town where her roots run deep. But when Clayton suddenly disappears, will Megan be forced to accept that committing to Wolf Creek means a life without him?


Country Law

Six years ago, a secret tore Georgia Winters’ family apart—now she wants to reunite them, but that means letting the truth come out...

Downsizing costs Georgia her job as a paralegal, but her beloved uncle invites her back to Wolf Creek to work in his one-man legal firm. Feeling ready to face the past, Georgia is optimistic about mending fences with her family, once she owns up to her part in the troubles.

Georgia’s plan doesn’t include romance or running into her high school sweetheart minutes after arriving in town. And she never expected to hear Elliot’s smooth voice once again calling her “Peaches.”

Wolf Creek isn’t the same town she’d left behind, but she’s drawn to the tight-knit community of shop owners on the Square, including Elliot and her childhood friend, Sarah. With two new lawyers at Country Law, Georgia confronts new challenges and encounters a few surprises every day, too. She soon understands that telling the truth about the past means many lives will change, and she risks losing a few cherished relationships in her newly created life.


Quilts Galore

Two years after mourning the death of her husband, Marianna Spencer ventures alone to Wolf Creek, Wisconsin, in search of the perfect fabric for her latest original quilt design. Once there, she spots a For Sale sign in the front window of the quilt shop and makes a brash decision to buy the business.

Back in Green Bay, Wisconsin with her new found excitement rising, the last person she expects to see on her doorstep is Rachel, her teen step-daughter, with a baby. Marianna has never met the teenager and although reluctant, even resentful, she can’t turn them away.

Living above the quilt shop on Wolf Creek Square, Marianna offers the young teen mother guidance and deals with her occasional rebellion as the three of them become part of the tight-knit community. Marianna must also decide what to do about the surprising attentions of Art Carlson, the attractive jewelry designer next door.


The Quilt House

Can she find her way home after so many years and so much heartache?

It’s taken two and a half decades for LindaJane “LJ” Hamilton to come to terms with her parents’ betrayal—banishing their pregnant, seventeen-year-old daughter from their home in Briarwood, Wisconsin. Now LJ’s daughter is asking her to return to Briarwood to help her sew a wedding guilt…alongside the woman who rejected LJ when she needed her most.

LJ will do anything for her daughter, including spending the summer in her childhood home. As the three generations of Hamilton women come together, secrets are revealed, beliefs are challenged, and relationships redefined. In order to embrace a future filled with life and love, LJ must let go of the past. Can she find what she needs to heal old hurts in a place filled with bittersweet memories and broken promises?


The Quilt Garden

Change is her only option…

After decades in an emotionally abusive marriage, Tina Montgomery has finally found the courage to break free. For solace and security, she returns home to the small town of Briarwood, Wisconsin, but struggles to redefine herself, her career, and her place in the world. Within weeks, Tina faces a second loss.

After the death of their father, Tina and her older sister, Helen, are forced to take over management of their legacy, the business their father built from the ground up. If they fail, they’ll lose everything their father worked for.

Tina's passion has always been quilting—teaching, creating, and designing—but her brand and skills have become sadly outdated and now she’s lost the respect of her peers in the quilting world. When an opportunity opens up at the quilt shop in town, Tina is at a crossroads, torn between working with Helen in the family business or following her true calling as a quilter and teacher.

Then there’s John Delaney, her childhood friend and secret crush. He’s back in Briarwood after years on the road as an internationally renowned photographer. Whether John’s home to stay or on the road again tomorrow, Tina has an opening to learn the truth about his feelings—and if the door is open for a second chance at love.

Tina finally has an opportunity to decide what kind of life she wants, but it will only happen if she has the courage and resilience to change.


The Quilt Company

Book Cover: The Quilt Company
Part of the The Briarwood Series series:

A big loss could tear a family apart, but does a big dream have the power to reunite them?

Deanna Westford may have lost her husband, but she’s determined not to lose her big dream along with him. A quilter with a flair for design, Deanna will do whatever it takes to transform her passion for quilting into a thriving business. She finds the perfect studio-condo location in a renovated factory building repurposed for businesses just like hers. Even better, she knows and trusts the builder, Paul Silverman. Paul is acquainted with loss himself, but that doesn’t stop him from becoming a generous friend and confidant for Deanna.

With three children in their twenties and on their own, Deanna assumes she can organize her life to please herself. She happily embraces the long hours it will take to establish her business. along with newfound friendships. But her best-laid plans don’t leave room for her kids’ complicated crises, which bring extra demands just when her company needs her the most.

Deanna—and her children—soon discover that disasters sometimes offer great opportunities. Deanna must waste no time deciding what she’s willing to risk.

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