Will a surprise on Wolf Creek Square derail Art and Marianna’s wedding plans?
Marianna Spencer and Art Carlson have managed to keep their engagement a secret for two years. That’s quite an accomplishment in the tight-knit community of shopkeepers and family and friends on Wolf Creek Square, a place where private lives are too often in public view.
Marianna wants their wedding to be a simple, joyful post-Christmas celebration—no bridal extravaganzas for her. Still, a fabric with silver bells printed on a dark blue background catches her eye and her simple wedding theme is born and her ideas flow faster than she can record them.
It isn’t long before Marianna is bewildered by the roadblocks she encounters planning even such a simple wedding. And Art surprises her by suddenly being too busy to even design and mail invitations out. That isn’t like him. Is he having second thoughts? He insists that’s ridiculous and Marianna keeps trying to make their day special. But when the wedding is mere days away, and the fabric she loves is suddenly unavailable, she can’t even have the wedding dress of her dreams.
Turns out her small, but joyful wedding won’t be anything like what she wanted… Or will it?